断二 盘点这些年身首分离的跑车事故

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断二,意思是说一分为二。很难想象一辆那么俊美的钢骨之躯跑车也会身首分离,肯定不是它们不足够结实,而是驾驶者太过于疯狂!从近年断二的跑车事故来看,大都是驾驶者的速度太过于疯狂,因高速失控撞到路边树木或其它硬物所知!可想而知,一个被断二的跑车,它的驾驶者和乘客将会怎!下面@跑车世界 盘点近几年断二的跑车。


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【3】2014年7月,美国洛杉矶,特斯拉Model S断二自燃的惨烈现场,一半车身插入了一栋建筑物的结构中间,另一半则附带损毁了几辆车,并发生了起火。

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【4】2014年6月,泰国,雨天,高速,兰博基尼Gallardo LP560-4 Spyder直接断腰,头飞进路边草丛,屁股留在路上。

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Car: 2010 BMW M3 Description: Driving at a high rate of speed, owner lost control and struck two trees, splitting the car in half and causing the front half to catch fire.  The accident occured at 3:30 in the morning and the driver was killed. Location: Palm Beach, FLCar: 2010 BMW M3 Description: Driving at a high rate of speed, owner lost control and struck two trees, splitting the car in half and causing the front half to catch fire.  The accident occured at 3:30 in the morning and the driver was killed. Location: Palm Beach, FL

【9】2009/2008年,兰博基尼Gallardo 断二;

Car: 2008 Lamborghini Gallardo Description: Witnesses reported seeing this Gallardo speeding down the street before hydroplaning and slamming into a tree.  The front of the car wrapped around the tree while the back end split off and ended up several yards down the street.  Both driver and passenger were seriously hurt.  The passenger required amputation of his foot.   Rumor has it the car was a rental.  Location:Forth Worth, TexasCar: 2008 Lamborghini Gallardo Description: Circumstances of this horrible crash are still not known.  The driver was  in a comma when extracted from the scene.  The Lamborghini was split completely in half. Location: Fort Worth, TX